Solutions To Reduce Wind Noise™
Wind-Blox Business Practices
Wind-Blox makes a "wind and noise blocker" product that attaches to the straps on bicycle helmets.
Introduced a year after Cat-Ears, they appear similar to C-E's - with similar naming conventions.
They have made questionable claims or representations. Examples are documented below:
This is a desktop document.
Fabricated Claim
Wind~Blox claims to have received the 'Most Effective Wind Noise Reduction' award.

While this claim sounds impressive, there is no such award.
Fictitious Comments
Wind~Blox used fictitious names on cycling forums to promote their products (or discredit others). Below is one of many examples. When caught, moderators closed accounts, etc. On more than one occasion, IP address searches (by the moderators) established the source of the forum comments.

We appreciated being contacted by the forum moderators regarding these comments.
After getting caught, W~B may have stopped these fictitious comments.
Fake Twitter Followers
Wind~Blox 'acquired' over 11,000 'fake' Twitter followers (per audit report).

After getting caught, it appears Twitter deleted >8,000 fake W~B followers.
Family / Employee Reviews
Numerous friends / family / employee product reviews. Examples are below:
"Heard the sweetest little birds chirping on my ride to work today. Thanks Wind-Blox!" - (relative)
"Works great, not 'furry' and easy to install. Terrific, look high tech (not furry). Work fine. Don't have to remove straps." - Ted Finch (VP of Marketing)
"Amazing how much more I can hear while biking. Wind-Blox work amazingly well! I'm stunned at what a difference it makes to ride using this product. I can hear SO much more." - Fajen (relative)
"I tried these and noticed a difference right away. As the instructions mention, the noise reduction is not appreciated until one takes the wind blox off. My husband also tried them, and he liked them so much he had me order some for him..." - Adventure Cycling reviewer (identified as Wind Blox)
Favorable reviews can be obtained through compensation and / or free product giveaways.
W~B utilizes this technique: (Amazon) 'Customer Review of Free (Wind-Blox) Product.'
Amazon prohibits family / employee reviews. These reviews were removed.
Paid Product 'Endorsements'
W~B: "The Hearing Health Foundation chose Wind-Blox and featured us as an 'Editor's Choice'."

Original W~B advertisement
According to the HH Foundation, the claimed 'endorsement' was actually a paid advertisement.
"Thank you for bringing this advertisement to our attention. We will reach out to Wind-Blox to ask that they remove or amend their wording as it is misleading." - Hearing Health Foundation (HHF)

Amended W~B advertisement
Product reviews / endorsements should be scrutinized for actual independent testing / analysis.
The HHF apparently contacted W~B. The 'misleading' wording was amended.
Assorted Patent / Patent Pending Claims
Wind~Blox makes an assortment of U.S. Patent related claims:
"Wind~Blox patented technology* is wind-tunnel tested." *misleading*
"Wind~Blox has a patented rim to clip design" *patent claim not located*
In 2013, W~B claimed "The patent and trademark are in place." - Kickstarter.
The Wind~Blox 'Ornamental Design' patent was actually approved in 2015.
W~B also mentioned "two different patents (a Design patent and a Utility patent)".
A USPTO search located the Design patent - the Utility patent was probably denied.
To meet USPTO Utility patent requirements, inventions must be new and useful.

While Patent related claims sound impressive, they should be USPTO compliant.
Wind-Blox Are 'Made In America'... Or Are They?
It appears that this "Made in America" Facebook post was intended to mislead.
In addition, Country of Origin should be clearly marked on the product / packaging.

Claiming that products made in China / Pakistan are made in America is unethical.

Country of Origin claims / marking should be CBP compliant. This post was deleted.
Wind-Blox Claimed To Use 'Bi-directional Velcro'
Unfortunately, Velcro® does not make a 'bi-directional' hook and loop product.
Velcro® aggressively protects its brand name and highest quality product reputation.
Velcro® USA contacted Wind~Blox. Claims regarding the use of Velcro® were removed.
Problematic Aeroacoustic Wind Tunnel Testing Claims
Wind-Blox claims to have performed some semblance of wind tunnel testing.

"Wind-Blox patented technology is wind-tunnel tested... blocking more than 80% of wind noise"
"Wind tunnel tests were conducted at George Fox University’s School of Mechanical Engineering"
The fan noise generated by the small GFU Flotek Wind Tunnel is excessive for aeroacoustic testing.
Wind noise analysis in a test chamber with 85 dB of fan / flow noise would be virtually impossible.
The 1' x 1' test section is extremely small. It would barely fit a test head / helmet (blockage effect).
Meaningful fluid flow imagery conclusions would be difficult given the restricted flow displacement.
While wind tunnel testing sounds impressive, it's unlikely that serious testing was performed.
Wind~Blox Claims To Be "The #1 Most Effective Wind Noise Blocker"
And more specifically, they have claimed to "stop 80.2%* (25.2 dB) of bicycling wind noise".
W~B limited their testing to 11-14 mph. This is unusually low for broad performance claims.
(*Anyone who has measured wind noise knows that tenth of a percent accuracy is nonsense)
W~B recently updated their wind noise reduction claim. Dropping the 80.2% level of accuracy..

Adventure Cycling Association: "ACA's opinion is (W~B) blocks +/- up to 50% of wind noise."
According to Amazon customers, W~B noise reduction performance is rated at only 3.0 (~60%).
Other testing indicates under 60%. Over 70-80% appears to be a mistake or gross exaggeration.

Understanding wind noise can be complicated. W~B should consider hiring a qualified engineer.
Performance claims should be supported by credible (qualified) testing / comparative analysis.
Given the questionable claims / representations, Wind-Blox risks disappointing their customers and damaging others in the cycling wind noise reduction industry, including industry reputation.